This site is dedicated to further knowledge about creating Ruby on Rails applications professionaly. We discuss Ruby on Rails features from a performance angle, discuss Ruby on Rails performance analysis methods, provide information on Ruby on Rails scaling and benchmark Ruby on Rails performance for each release. We discuss best practices for selecting Ruby on Rails session containers, fragment and page caching and optimizing database queries.

Rails 1.2 Performance

Posted 01 Apr 2007

Rails 1.2-stable is somewhat slower than Rails 1.1-stable, especially on action cached pages. But the slowdown I measured is nowhere near the numbers which have been reported by others. In fact, two recent patches to speed up session creation and pstore session retrieval, have resulted in improved performance for one of the benchmarked actions.

The following performance data table shows the speed difference for the fastest availabe configuration for the tested application.

page c1 totalc2 total c1 r/sc2 r/s c1 ms/rc2 ms/r c1/c2
empty 11.4403410.91962 437.0457.9 2.292.18 1.05
welcome 13.0464814.29709 383.2349.7 2.612.86 0.91
recipes 10.8361713.51635 461.4369.9 2.172.70 0.80
my_recipes 10.8013713.48035 462.9370.9 2.162.70 0.80
show 24.1672227.37878 206.9182.6 4.835.48 0.88
cat 26.5603829.88683 188.3167.3 5.315.98 0.89
cat_page5 27.2495430.78081 183.5162.4 5.456.16 0.89
letter 26.9906730.17507 185.2165.7 5.406.04 0.89
all requests 151.09216170.43488 264.7234.7 3.784.26 0.89
GC statistics c1 totalc2 total c1 #gcc2 #gc c1 gc%c2 #gc% c1/c2
10.4279012.90426 120.0135.0 6.907.57 0.81

c1: 1.1-stable, c2: 1.2-stable, r/s: requests per second, ms/r: milliseconds per request

Read the full report here.

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