This site is dedicated to further knowledge about creating Ruby on Rails applications professionaly. We discuss Ruby on Rails features from a performance angle, discuss Ruby on Rails performance analysis methods, provide information on Ruby on Rails scaling and benchmark Ruby on Rails performance for each release. We discuss best practices for selecting Ruby on Rails session containers, fragment and page caching and optimizing database queries.

Make ruby-mysql create less garbage

Posted 05 Oct 2006

During the preparation of my RailsConf2006 talk I did some comparative benchmarks with Mysql and Postgresql. To my astonishment, I observed that Rails with Mysql created many more objects. After digging into the C part of ruby bindings of Mysql, I discovered that the Mysql bindings create a copy of the columns name string for each record retrieved from the database. This obviously leads to quadratic memory use and calls for correction.

I’ve written a small patch for the ruby-mysql bindings and submitted it to the author, but never got a response, although a tried several times.

You can get the patch here.

The patch actually goes a little farther than just correcting the n*m problem. I have added a Mysql::Result.all_hashes method, so that the entire array of hashes creation runs in C.

For pages that retrieve small datasets, you will probably see only a small increase. I measured around 5% increase for pages that load 25 objects. Which is neat. But the patch really shines when you retrieve large data sets. For example, for loading 1000 objects, I got this perf data:

page c1 totalc2 total c1 r/sc2 r/s c1 ms/rc2 ms/r c1/c2
/alphabetic 6.861265.20610 14.619.2 68.6152.06 1.32
GC statistics c1 totalc2 total c1 #gcc2 #gc c1 gc%c2 #gc% c1/c2
2.142501.18728 24.012.0 31.2322.81 2.00

30% faster!

But more important, a lot less gargabe gets created (in the example GC runs twice as often with the unpatched bindings).

You can take advantage of this by creating your own garbage ;-)

Posted in performance | Tags mysql


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