RailsConf2006 Aftermath
Posted 28 Jun 2006
As promised during my talk at RailsConf, I have uploaded a new version of my railsbench package to rubyforge. You can either download the tar ball or get the new version using svn. Apologies to all users which have a checked out and modified version of the old CVS archive. I decided to convert from CVS to subversion since I kept typing svn commands at my CVS archive, so it had to go.
The svn url for railsbench is svn://rubyforge.org//var/svn/railsbench/trunk/railsbench
The new version now supports running ruby-prof as an alternative to SVL's Ruby Performance Validator. This should make some Mac and Linux users happy. However, ruby-prof is only a weak substitute for a good profiler.
Profiling with ruby-prof requires ruby 1.8.4 and works like this:
perf_prof n "-bm=benchmark_name other_options" config_name
This will run the named benchmark n times using ruby-prof and store the resulting HTML formatted profiler graph into $RAILS_PERF_DATA
Happy profiling!
PS: My presentation given at RailsConf2006 is available for download.